August 2012 wagons
On 11 and 12 August 2012 the Guilds of York held a symposium about Mystery Plays, attended not only by York professionals but also by representatives of Mystery Play producers from Chester, Lichfield, Lincoln and Gloucester. York' s newspaper published a report about the event (10 August).
There were two wagon play performances in front of the East End of the Minster and on College Green as shown here, with the York Waits performing music outside St Williams College.
Below, the Guild of Builders has performed the Creation and are taking their bow. Steve Bielby played God, in orange at the right.
Noah and the Flood was performed by HIDden Theatre company, with Jeremy Muldowney as Noah. Two live birds were used. The raven is resisting Noah, below left.

Then Noah casts the dove up into the sky (Nick Ansell).
The rainbow is sent to mark the compact between God and Noah's descendants.
The wagons leave down Petergate, led by the York Waits.