2018 Wagon Plays
Eleven Wagon Plays were performed on 9 and 16 September 2018. Below is the cast list and some photographs of performances in the courtyard of the King's Manor and in the Shambles Market. Five plays were performed in the Shambles Market mid-week when James Swanton played an additional role, Satan, with a script written by Tom Straszewski.
Creative Team. Producer: Roger Lee; Artistic Director: Tom Straszewski; Event Manager: Ben Pugh; Music Co-ordinator: Alan Radford. (For more on music, see this page.)
A DVD is available: here is a link to the taster.
Creation to the Fifth Day: brought forth by the York Guild of Building. God and Director: Steve Bielby; Chorus: York Theatre Royal Choir directed by Maddy Hudson; Music: York Waits; Wagon Master and Mace Bearer: Noel Shouksmith; Costume Olga Bielby; Props: Kate Newall; Best Boy Tony Ravenhall. Guild Master: Paul Deamer.
The Annunciation and Visitation: brought forth by the Guild of Media Arts. The Angel Gabriel: Thomas Jennings; Virgin Mary: Meredith Stewart; her cousin Elizabeth: Cynthia Wood. Technical Support: Derek Brown, Mark Gilkes, Christine Le Blond, Charlotte Lillis, Geoffrey Theaker. Guild Master: Ann Gurnell.
The Fall of Man: brought forth by the Vale of York Academy on behalf of the Gild of Freemen of the city of York. Satan: Kelly Docker; Adam: Hannah Docker; Eve: Fay Clark; God: Eve Clark; Director: Rebcca Nicholson.
The Temptation of Christ: brought forth by the Company of Cordwainers. Satan: Lydia Juhrich; Jesus: Hannah Eggleton; Accompanying Angel: Stella Chatterton. Director: Nick Newman; Costume: Amelia Sierevogel.
Cain and Abel: brought forth by the Lords of Misrule, on behalf of the Company of Merchant Taylors. 

First Angel: Catherine-Rose Hailstone; Second Angel: Skye McAlpine Walker or Emily Hansen; Cain: Max O'Keeffe or Daniel Wilmot; Abel: Ross McIntire; Brewbarret: James Harland. Director: Emily Hansen; Producer: Jos Bates.
The Remorse of Judas: Brought forth by the York St John University Players. Judas: Harry Murdoch; Pilate: Bronte Hobson; Annas: Hanna Worsley; Caiaphas: Holly Sloan; Soldier: Ryan Preston; Daughter: Jess Wilkins; Demon: Becky Sheard; Mad Woman/musician: Annie Chave. Director and Designer: Alexander Kaniewski; Wagon Master: Dale Osborne.
Abraham and Isaak: brought forth by the Guild of Scriveners of the city of York. Monk/Announcer: John Latimer; Abraham: Tim Hinton; Isaak: Adrian Widdowson; Angel: Neil Vincent; Servants to the family: David Brigham, Jean Jesty. Director: Angie Millard; Set Design: Zoe Mitchell; Waggon Master: Tony Cocker.
The Crucifixion and Death of Christ: brought forth by the Company of Butchers. Jesus: Joy Warner; Crassus: Maurice Crichton; Livia: Tony Froud; Longinus: Jennie Wogan; Brutus: Will Darwin; Authority figure: Liz Elsworth; Mother Mary: Marion Goodrick; Mary Cleophas: Sandra Rowan; Apostle John: Mic Errington; Thief on the left: Keith Rowan; Thief on the Right: Ruben Wollney. Director: Katie Smith; Asst Director: Andrew Isherwood.

Moses and Pharoah: brought forth by St Luke's Church, York. Older Moses/Narrator: Mark Comer; Pharoah: John Tuffen; 1st Counsellor to Pharoah: Tom Pollock; 2nd Counsellor: Elaine Hill; 3rd Counsellor: Sally Maybridge; 4th Counsellor: Melissa Bryan; Young Miriam: Emilia Bryan; Jochebed: Gillian Tyler; Pharoah's daughter/1st Egyptian: Willow Pollock; 1st Israelite: Janey Thorne; 2nd Israelite: Sam Thorne; 3rd Israelite: Gillian Tyler; Younger Moses: James Tyler; God of the Burning Bush: Martin Sheppard; 2nd Egyptian: Carnie Pollock; 3rd Egyptian: Matthew Warry; 4th Egyptian: Isobel Legg; 5th Egyptian: Jack Hoyland; 6th Egyptian: George Bunyan; 7th Egyptian: Lesley Wilkinson; 8th Egyptian: Jonathan Punnose; 9th Egyptian: David Rushton; Pharoah's son: Isaac Bryan; 10th Egyptian: Mike Tyler. Directors: Mark Comer and Mike Tyler; Musical Director: Helen Warry; Wagon Master: Lynn Comer; Set design and construction: Mark Comer and Lynn Comer.

The Harrowing of Hell: Brought forth by the York Mystery Plays Supporters Trust. Jesus: David Phillips; Satan: Roger Wood; Monk: John Holt Roberts; Souls in Limbo - Adam: Noel Stabler; Eve: Felicity Semple; Deborah: Catherine Edge; Simeon: Janice Newton; John the Baptist: Jason Yee; Moses: Nick Jones; Prophetess: Terry Ram; Devils - Ribald: Donna Kitching; Beelzebub: Rosy Rowley; Belial: Ged Murray; Astoreth: Annabelle Jenkinson; Archangel Michael: Em Thane. Other Souls: David Denbigh, Beverley Foster, Jess Murray, Emma Pomfrett, Jane Rounce, Julie Speedie, Denise Squire, Max Thomas-Richards, Bernadette Turner, Nicola Waite. Other Devils: Wilma Edwards, Colin Lea, Lucinda Rennison, Jai Rowley, Samuel Valentine. Director: Ben Prusiner, Asst Director Simon Tompsett, Wagon Master: Dave al Bahrani-Peacock, Costumes: Aurelia Puigdomenech; Movement: Christie Barnes.
Judgement Day: brought forth by Ravens Morris on behalf of the Company of Merchant Adventurers. God: Adam Hall; Jesus: Julian Finnigan; Angels: Dan Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Kobie Fofie; Fallen Angels: Ursula Clark, Corinne Clark; Seraphim: Harriet Thompson, Samuel Thompson; the Watchers: Claude Mole, David Foster; Mother Figure: Heather Young; Whore-Queen of Babylon: Megan Heywood; Apocolypse Pampleteer: Barry Havercroft. With the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse, the Famine Reavers, the Plaque infected, the Beautiful Dead, Puppet operators, and Dead Souls and Journeying Souls. Director: Alan Heaven; Music: the Bertie Set; Waggonmaster: Alex Wells, Asst. Director Tina Lind. See this page for photographs about the music of 2018.