2014 Wagon Plays
The Mystery Plays were performed on wagons, produced by York Festival Trust (link here) and the Guilds of York guided by Artistic Director Deborah Pakkar- Hull on 13 and 20 July 2014. They were in the open air in Dean's Park, College Green, King's Square, the King's Manor, St Sampson's Square and Museum Gardens.

For directors, performers and musicians the challenge of using the wagon (or waggon!) as stage, transport and prop encourages creativity. The Guilds' productions involve innovative use of the wagons, spectacular performances and participation by 600 local people, drawn together for faith, artistic, civic and intellectual reasons. There was a new feature, a Chorus in each location uniting the plays, which were:
1 Creation of the World to the Fifth Day - the York Guild of Building
2 The Fall of Man - the Guild of Freemen with Canon Lee School
3 The Shepherds - the Guild of Scriveners
4 The Slaughter of the Innocents - Heslington Church
5 The Baptism of Christ - HIDden Theatre
6 The Woman taken in Adultery and The Raising of Lazarus - York St John University
7 Christ's Entry into Jerusalem - York Mystery Plays Supporters Trust.
8 Christ before Annas and Caiaphas - the Company of Cordwainers, with York Settlement Community Players
9 The Crucifixion and The Death of Christ - the Company of Butchers with the Church of St Chad on the Knavesmire
10 The Harrowing of Hell - the Church of St Luke the Evangelist (pictured above)
11 The Resurrection - The Company of Merchant Taylors
12 The Last Judgement - The Company of Merchant Adventurers, with Pocklington School.

For many people, the music of the Mystery Plays is very important, Paul Toy, Musical Director 2014, organised the accompaniment of the Wagons by medieval music, including Waits musicians from other towns.
On 13 July the music was:
Creation - York Waits
Fall of Man - Leeds Waits
Shepherds and Angels - Lincoln Waits
Massacre of Innocents - Doncaster Waits
Christ's Baptism - Colchester Waits
Christ with Woman, Lazarus - Demowbrays Musicke
Jerusalem Entry - Gloucester Waits
Christ with Annas - Pipe & Tabour (Taborers Society)
Death of Christ - Leeds Waits
Harrowing Hell - York Waits
Resurrection - Doncaster Waits
Last Judgement - Pocklington School band (Their production is below right)
On 20 July there were changes in these plays:
Fall of Man - Doncaster Waits, Massacre of Innocents - Leeds Waits
Christ with Woman and Lazarus - Pipe & Tabor (Taborers Society)
Jerusalem Entry - York Mystery Play Supporters musicians
Christ with Annas - Bagshotte Waytes, Death of Christ - York Waits
Harrowing Hell - Doncaster Waits, Resurrection - Leeds Waits

For a full cast list, see the attached page.
Flikr has several sets of 2014 photos. Thanks to John Robinson for more photos.
Thanks to Alan Harris for his photos.
Thanks to Roger Howarth for this link.
The Archive of the Mystery Plays at NCEM welcomes photos of all the wagon plays. Send a Jpeg here.