York Mystery Plays

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Share your memories with us!

Have you, your family or friends been involved with York Mystery Plays? Do you have memories to share?

The National Centre for Early Music holds the archive for the Plays from 1951 to today.  The plays keep happening, including wagons in June 2022, following from the static 2019 Nativity Plays, the 2021 Resurrection, the Baptism in 2023, a Creation and Nativity in 2024.  We have something from every production, as you can see on www.yorkmysteryplays.org.
If you have photographs, papers and memorabilia relating to any of the York Mystery Plays production, and are happy to donate them to us, please let us know. We will be glad to have more from the 1960s, for instance. 
Contact Margaret Scott, YMP archivist
NCEM, St Margaret's Church, 
Walmgate, York YO1 9TL
01904 632220, email margaret.scott@ncem.co.uk

This website has grown over the years. To cut confusion, below is a list of what is attached to each main navigation page, and its number. In light purple is the main navigation button, in the order displayed on the left.
1 Introduction http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=1
4 What are the Mystery Plays? http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=4
3 In the Beginning: Revival  http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=3
      -p214 Article 'Staging the 1951 Play'
2 Ancestral Voices  http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=2
5 A Time of Changhttp://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=5
      -p224 A Nativity for York, 2019
      -p227 A Nativity for York, 2022
      -p228 Creation and Nativity Plays, 2024
6 Wagon Plays  http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=6
    - p201 Two wagon plays, August 2012
     -p211 Wagon Plays, 2014
     -p212 Cast list, 2014 wagon plays
     -p213 Music at the 2014 Wagon Plays
     -p222 Wagon Plays, 2018
    -p226 Wagon Plays, 2022
40 Music of the Mystery Plays http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=40
     -p208 Medieval Music
     -p210 Musicians, 2012 Museum Gardens
     -p223 Music at the 2018 wagon plays
     -p225 Music of the 2019 Nativity Plays

8 The Plays Move On http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=8
     -p196 2012 Plays, selected photos
     -p200 2012 Plays, cast list
     -p209 Article 'Creating the 2012 stage in Museum Gardens'

148 York Minster and the Future http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=148
      -p204 Cast list, Minster Millennium production
187 The People  http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=187
       -p198 Key Roles and Actors
206 Minster Millennium Production http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=206
       -p207 Minster Millennium Production, selected photographs
215/203 2016 Production (York Minster) http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=215
       -p217 Cast List 2016 Minster production
       -p219 Creatives, 2016 Minster production
       -p220 Interviews 2016 Minster production
       -p221 Exhibition after 2016 Plays

188 Archive of Mystery Plays http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=188
       -p193 Search the NCEM Archive [with search 'gadget']
       -p199 Selected photos donated to the Archive

       -p205 City exhibition in 2012 about Mystery Plays
       -p216 Share your memories with us! (This page, with webpage list)
189 Contact Us  http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=189
190 Links to other organisations  http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=190
191 Supporters and thanks http://www.yorkmysteryplays.org/default.asp?idno=191
193 is a hidden page containing the Archive Search 'gadget'
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