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Programmes/Posters : Divine Intervention Programme, 2001 production
Item type: Programmes/PostersArchive reference: YMP/B/19/1
Date/year: 2001
The Friends of York Mystery Plays and Festival produced this Old Testament play in the year after the Minster Millennium production, calling it a 'special Post-Millennium production'.
Divine Intervention 6 to 14 July 2001 at All Saints Church, Pavement
Contents include Introduction by Paul Toy (right)

Cast list:
God: Dave Parkinson
Angel 1: Janine Edwards
Angel 2: Helen Spenner
Lucifer: Sarah Wolverson
Cherabyn: Fiona Mozley
Adam: Kevin Gash
Eve: Rachel Johnson
Angel 3: Sharon Lusty / Kate Horlor
Cain: Sam Valentine
Abel: Christian Newton
Noah: Alf Israel
Son 1: Kevin Gash
Son 2: Chris Hanson
Son 3: Dan Weyman
Wife: Janet Robson
Daughter 1: Rachel Simpson
Daughter 2: Janine Edwards
Daughter 3 :Karon Kon
Abraham: Ray Alexander
Isaac: Daniel Weyman
Angel: Karon Kon
Angel Lamb: Mallory Kon
Pharaoh: Christian Newton
Counsellor 1: Sarah Wolverson
Counsellor 2: Kate Horlor
Moses: Harold Mozley
Israelite 1: Chris Hanson
Israelite 2: Fiona Mozley
Israelite 3: Rachel Simpson
Egyptian 1: Helen Spenner
Egyptian 2: Sam Valentine
Singers include: Paul Abbott (bass), Kit Bird (Bass), John Sharpe (Tenor), Paul Toy (Alto)
Design & properties: Mike Bowen
Cover Illustration: Mike Bowen
Music Director: Paul Toy
Wardrobe: Ursula Groom
Set Construction: Ray Alexander
Lighting and sound: Mike Alexander
Stage Management: Annette Marriette, Genevieve Kon, Amy Putland, Ollie Brown, Roger Gibbons, Tim Holman
Chairman: Robert Ward
Secretary: Yvonne Hanson
Treasurer: Ursula Groom
Rector of All Saints' Church: Rev. David Porter
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